ALOE v1.4

  • ALOE: Abstraction Layer and Operating Environment is a lightweight middleware that eases the deployment and portability of waveforms on multiprocessing platforms. => Go to QuickStartGuide to download and install ALOE latest version
  • FlexWaves: Flexible Radio Waves is a software repository containing waveform modules. UMTS and WiMAX waveforms are available. LTE is currently developed unde the OSLD Project.
  • FlexCRM: Flexible Computing Resource Management develops a flexible computing resource management framework for managing the distributed and limited computing resources of multiprocessing platforms and the real-time computing requirements of waveforms.
  • aloeUI: Graphical User Interface for ALOE provides a user-friendly control interface for loading and executing waveforms, displaying real-time signal evolution, capturing execution time statistics, etc.
  • ALOEedu: ALOE Education offers educational material on flexible wireless communications, including self-explanatory laboratory sessions.
  • SDR Cloud Simulator is a tool for rapid evaluation and analysis of computing resource management for SDR clouds. Download at Uncompress the file and run gui.m from Matlab to launch the GUI (in the uncompressed directory).

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