Changes between Version 57 and Version 58 of ResourceManagement

07/24/11 15:59:18 (13 years ago)
vuk (IP:



  • ResourceManagement

    v57 v58  
    99The computing resource management framework features the computing system modeling and computing resource management modules (Figure 1). Figure 2 illustrates ALOE's time management principle. The pipelined execution pattern facilitates the synchronized execution of the waveform modules on distributed computing resources. The SDR computing system modeling then captures the computing resources and the computing requirements on time slot basis. Million operations per time slot (MOPTS) and mega-bits per time slot (MBPTS) are used for modeling the processing and interprocessor data flow capacities and requirements. 
    11 The framework offers general-purpose mapping algorithms and a customizable cost function. The cost function implements the computing resource management objective and guides the mapping process under the given computing resource constraints. The mapping algorithms and cost function are presented in [attachment:FlexCRM_July11.pdf FlexCRM_July11]. The computing resource management framework--mapping API, algorithms and cost function, and simulation test suite--can be downloaded following [ this link]. The [ CRM tools] permit executing the computing resource management framework from Matlab, following the mapping process, and analyzing the results. [wiki:ALOEedu ALOE Sessions 7 and 8] introduce the framework and its tools. 
     11The framework offers general-purpose mapping algorithms and a customizable cost function ([attachment:FlexCRM_July11.pdf FlexCRM_July11]). The cost function implements the computing resource management objective and guides the mapping process under the given computing constraints. The computing resource management framework--mapping API, algorithms and cost function, and simulation test suite--can be downloaded following [ this link], which contains the C source files. The [ CRM tools] permit executing the computing resource management framework from Matlab, following the mapping process, and analyzing the results. [wiki:ALOEedu ALOE Sessions 7 and 8] introduce the framework and its tools. 
    13 We currently investigate how to minimize the pipelining latency at the mapping and scheduling stages. Therefore, we examine new cost functions and evaluate their performance in different computing resource management scenarios. We, furthermore, address the scalability of the mapping algorithms with the objective of applying them to large-scale computing systems. 
     13We currently investigate how to minimize the pipelining latency. We therefore examine new cost functions and evaluate their performance in different computing resource management scenarios. We, furthermore, address the scalability of the mapping algorithms with the objective of applying them to large-scale computing systems. 