function makeInfo=rtwmakecfg() % RTWMAKECFG adds include and source directories to rtw make files. % makeInfo=RTWMAKECFG returns a structured array containing build info. % Please refer to the rtwmakecfg API section in the Real-Time Workshop % Documentation for details on the format of this structure. % Dan D. V. Bhanderi, 2006 % $Id: rtwmakecfg.m,v 1.1 2007/03/26 14:27:07 danji Exp $ % Get hold of the fullpath to this file, without the filename itself rootpath = rtw_alt_pathname(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))); % Block source path for C S-Function source file makeInfo.includePath{1} = rootpath; makeInfo.precompile = 1; return;